Westmoreland County Food Bank Joins the Global #GivingTuesday Movement
Westmoreland County Food Bank Joins the Global #GivingTuesday Movement
Employees of West Penn Power Challenges the Community to match their $10,000 donation
The Westmoreland County Food Bank has joined #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and organizations to encourage philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide. Occurring this year on November 29, #GivingTuesday is held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday to kick-off the holiday giving season and inspire people to collaborate in improving their local communities and to give back in impactful ways to the charities and causes they support.
The Westmoreland County Food Bank has partnered with the employees of West Penn Power, who host a month-long giving event called “Harvest for Hunger.” Each year, the West Penn employees strive to donate $10,000 to the Westmoreland County Food Bank and food banks throughout their service territory. They have challenged the community to match their donation and get “more bang for your buck.”
“We are proud to call West Penn Power and their employees our partner in the fight against hunger,” stated Kris Douglas, Chief Executive Officer of the Westmoreland County Food Bank. “We truly would not be able to accomplish feeding those in need without the support of corporations like West Penn Power and their employees. We are delighted and overwhelmed by their continued support in taking their commitment just one step further.”
Those who are interested in joining the food bank’s and West Penn Power employee’s #GivingTuesday initiative can visit www.westmorelandfoodbank.org/givingtuesday. For more details about the #GivingTuesday movement, visit the #GivingTuesday website (www.givingtuesday.org), Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/GivingTuesday) or follow @GivingTues and the #GivingTuesday hashtag on social media.
About Westmoreland County Food Bank
The Westmoreland County Food Bank serves over 31,000 area residents each year including 9,300 children and 3,410 seniors. WCFB currently has 62 member agencies in their network of emergency feeding sites. Of those, 44 are food pantries in which low income consumers are able to access emergency food assistance throughout the month. Last year (2015), the Food Bank distributed over 7.5 million pounds of food.
50% of WCFB’s food comes from the federal and state governments and the remaining 50% from local donations, food drives, and Feeding America. Administrative and fundraising costs account for 5% of the Food Bank’s operating budget.
About #GivingTuesday
#GivingTuesday is a movement to celebrate and provide incentives to give—the 2016 iteration will be held on November 29, 2016. This effort harnesses the collective power of a unique blend of partners—nonprofits, businesses and corporations as well as families and individuals—to transform how people think about, talk about and participate in the giving season. #GivingTuesday inspires people to take collaborative action to improve their local communities, give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they celebrate and help create a better world. #GivingTuesday harnesses the power of social media to create a global moment dedicated to giving around the world.
To learn more about #GivingTuesday participants and activities or to join the celebration of giving, please visit:
Website: www.givingtuesday.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GivingTuesday
Twitter: twitter.com/GivingTues
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Westmoreland County Food Bank Joins the Global #GivingTuesday Movement
Westmoreland County Food Bank Joins the Global #GivingTuesday Movement
Employees of West Penn Power Challenges the Community to match their $10,000 donation
The Westmoreland County Food Bank has joined #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and organizations to encourage philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide. Occurring this year on November 29, #GivingTuesday is held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday to kick-off the holiday giving season and inspire people to collaborate in improving their local communities and to give back in impactful ways to the charities and causes they support.
The Westmoreland County Food Bank has partnered with the employees of West Penn Power, who host a month-long giving event called “Harvest for Hunger.” Each year, the West Penn employees strive to donate $10,000 to the Westmoreland County Food Bank and food banks throughout their service territory. They have challenged the community to match their donation and get “more bang for your buck.”
“We are proud to call West Penn Power and their employees our partner in the fight against hunger,” stated Kris Douglas, Chief Executive Officer of the Westmoreland County Food Bank. “We truly would not be able to accomplish feeding those in need without the support of corporations like West Penn Power and their employees. We are delighted and overwhelmed by their continued support in taking their commitment just one step further.”
Those who are interested in joining the food bank’s and West Penn Power employee’s #GivingTuesday initiative can visit www.westmorelandfoodbank.org/givingtuesday. For more details about the #GivingTuesday movement, visit the #GivingTuesday website (www.givingtuesday.org), Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/GivingTuesday) or follow @GivingTues and the #GivingTuesday hashtag on social media.
About Westmoreland County Food Bank
The Westmoreland County Food Bank serves over 31,000 area residents each year including 9,300 children and 3,410 seniors. WCFB currently has 62 member agencies in their network of emergency feeding sites. Of those, 44 are food pantries in which low income consumers are able to access emergency food assistance throughout the month. Last year (2015), the Food Bank distributed over 7.5 million pounds of food.
50% of WCFB’s food comes from the federal and state governments and the remaining 50% from local donations, food drives, and Feeding America. Administrative and fundraising costs account for 5% of the Food Bank’s operating budget.
About #GivingTuesday
#GivingTuesday is a movement to celebrate and provide incentives to give—the 2016 iteration will be held on November 29, 2016. This effort harnesses the collective power of a unique blend of partners—nonprofits, businesses and corporations as well as families and individuals—to transform how people think about, talk about and participate in the giving season. #GivingTuesday inspires people to take collaborative action to improve their local communities, give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they celebrate and help create a better world. #GivingTuesday harnesses the power of social media to create a global moment dedicated to giving around the world.
To learn more about #GivingTuesday participants and activities or to join the celebration of giving, please visit:
Website: www.givingtuesday.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GivingTuesday
Twitter: twitter.com/GivingTues